Monday, August 6, 2012

Project 005: Mint Scented Rice Pack

My problem is not so much that I don't craft.

It's that I'm a lazy bitch when it comes to photographing anything.

I hate trying to get a decent photograph in my house. It's an old house and we haven't bothered to update most of the lighting, so much of my lighting has a yellow hue.

It probably didn't help that the room I take most of my photos in is orange.

Either way, I decided to not be lazy, and took some photos (and take photos off my camera, something ELSE I'm notoriously lazy about).

So, this project. A long, long time ago (and not in a galaxy far away; it was in Selinsgrove, at my mom's house), we discovered this lovely project. Instead of paying an arm and a leg for microwaveable heat packs, we'd make our own, with remnant fabric and rice...

I took this (please ignore my messy table)...

And made it into this!
New techniques learned:
  • None (I've already made this before, so nothing to learn this time)
Next? I've got some jewelry already photographed, all the photos ready for the companion tutorial for this project, plus I'm working on a tutorial for the I-pom scarf. I'm also working on projects for my Halloween costume, so expect those. I promise to TRY not to be such a lazy ass when it comes to posting (but don't hold me to anything.)

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