Thursday, January 12, 2012

Project 001: Black and White Scarf

Finally, my first project is complete! :D

The Inspiration:
Fluffy and polka dots...

and heart shaped with sparkly bows! <3

These are some totally ridiculous earmuffs that my lovely mother-in-law got me for Christmas. Heart shaped and they have sparkly bows on them!

But, oh noes! I have no scarf to go with them. Good thing I can knit!

The Pattern: Drop Stich Drama Scarf

New Techniques Learned:
  • Drop/Elongated Stitch
  • Knitting with multiple strands
The Results:
The full scarf, stretched out on my couch

Close up of the stitch work
This was FUN to do. It took me at LEAST twice as long to complete as the estimate on the pattern, but then again, I'm easily distracted by the TV, facebook, words with friends, deviantart, looking at other patterns on ravelry, and pretty much anything else shiny, colorful, or furry that passes in front of my face. Also, I'm not a fast knitter. I'm definitely getting better the more I do it though!

I'm very excited to wear this set to work tomorrow, just to see what my coworkers say. As a group of (mostly) older ladies, it's always interesting to get their opinions on my knitting and jewelry escapades. :p

So, with one project behind me, it's time to move to the next one on the list. I think it's gonna be another knitting project. :D Then there will be an art project. And then a wreath project. If I'm not too lazy, I may pull photos off my phone and camera of some of the projects I did last year, just for kics.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Purpose

The thing that makes a creative person is to be creative and that is all there is to it.  - Edward Albee

While dreaming up my New Years resolutions for 2012, I realized that of my goals, the one most likely to be shoved aside was the desire to be more creative in more ways this year. I have this bad, bad habit of starting projects and never finishing them, of getting distracted by things, and of being flat out lazy when I really want to do something.

To combat this, I decided to start a blog, of all things. My reasoning? If I made myself accountable, even if it's only to the computer, I will finish things, try new things, get a little dirty, have some fun, and maybe even make a buck or two while I'm at it.

Which brings us to The Purpose:
  1. To document the multitude of projects that I want to create this year: knitting projects, art, a couple of small home improvement projects, jewelry, and whatever else should strike my fancy.
  2. To compile a list of resources for use (my own and anyone that might follow this blog) and re-use: websites, tutorials, sites for buying/acquiring materials
  3. To provide tutorials for projects that I have developed
  4. To review tutorials for projects that I do and my findings on them
  5. To post things that inspire me to create or inspire projects that I am working on/have planned
As such, posts will be labeled accordingly: "Project", "Resource", "Tutorial", "Review", "Inspiration". This list is subject to change, addition, deletion, or whatever else I may feel it needs.

So, with all that said, there's a scarf waiting for me to knit it. See you at the end of the next project!