Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Purpose

The thing that makes a creative person is to be creative and that is all there is to it.  - Edward Albee

While dreaming up my New Years resolutions for 2012, I realized that of my goals, the one most likely to be shoved aside was the desire to be more creative in more ways this year. I have this bad, bad habit of starting projects and never finishing them, of getting distracted by things, and of being flat out lazy when I really want to do something.

To combat this, I decided to start a blog, of all things. My reasoning? If I made myself accountable, even if it's only to the computer, I will finish things, try new things, get a little dirty, have some fun, and maybe even make a buck or two while I'm at it.

Which brings us to The Purpose:
  1. To document the multitude of projects that I want to create this year: knitting projects, art, a couple of small home improvement projects, jewelry, and whatever else should strike my fancy.
  2. To compile a list of resources for use (my own and anyone that might follow this blog) and re-use: websites, tutorials, sites for buying/acquiring materials
  3. To provide tutorials for projects that I have developed
  4. To review tutorials for projects that I do and my findings on them
  5. To post things that inspire me to create or inspire projects that I am working on/have planned
As such, posts will be labeled accordingly: "Project", "Resource", "Tutorial", "Review", "Inspiration". This list is subject to change, addition, deletion, or whatever else I may feel it needs.

So, with all that said, there's a scarf waiting for me to knit it. See you at the end of the next project!

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