Sunday, April 22, 2012

Project 004: Rainbow I-Pom

A few months ago, I was looking through various knitting techniques online and stumbled upon I-cord. I instantly wanted to make something with it, but couldn't figure out what. My first thought was to make a really long I-cord and then join it together at the ends and wear it looped about my neck multiple times like a t-shirt necklace. This may still happen.

Instead, this happened: 

As modeled by my faithful crafting partner, Pretty Pretty Princess Miachu.

Please excuse crappy self-photo, nobody else with thumbs was home!
Long scarf is long.

A beautiful, long, variegated rainbow I-cord, paired with two huge white pom-poms. I shall call it I-Pom! XD

New techniques learned:
  •  I-cord knitting
I already knew how to make pom-poms from a scarf I made last year for my sister, which I'll post here sometime if I ever get photos (or just make one for myself, which is way more likely).

Next? Maybe jewelry. I have a bunch of things that need repaired, plus a repair job for a coworker, and the supplies I need to make my sisters jewelry for prom will be coming on Tuesday...

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