Sunday, November 17, 2013

Project 017: A Bunch of Random Jewelry and Such

Dump post!

I love the braided bracelets so much I made a necklace. With some fun twist dangly charms.

Rainbow mobius rings at the end of boxmail bits. So much fun to wear. People can't believe how light they are.

These beads remind me of fruity pebbles.

Of course, another braided bracelet.

The last of my elemental series. This is "Earth". The weave is called "wolf weave".

Another jangly anklet.

I found this nifty rose pendant at a street fair this spring. It just begged for this.

White suede leather bracelet with a giant glass donut? Yes please.

Not technically jewelry... watermelon buttons made into hairclips!

Neon pom-pom earrings!

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