Sunday, January 5, 2014

Project 025: OSI Qualification Round

One of my goals for the new year is to do more art. I hardly drew anything in 2013, so I really wanted to get back into it.

So I decided to join Otaku Senshi Idols (OSI). 

The first thing is to do a qualification entry. This was mine:
Purple is the theme color for me now.

After not really doing much art for a year, it felt good to stretch my fingers and get into it. There's a lot I don't like about it - the anatomy is wonky, for one - but it's still better than nothing at all. I tried to go a bit more anime style than my usual, but I'm not sure if I really succeeded. I do like the super shoujo background though. Sparklies and lace and gradients, oh my!

OSI 2014: Sailor Ithel

By the time of this post, I already learned that I had passed qualifications and made it into the top 25...

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